Friday 29 October 2010

Task 3 – Greenford high school

Greenford have one main senior that lead the school the first one is Mr Cramer the head teacher, Mr Horsley the senior deputy head, then the deputy head, assistant head curriculum, assistant head data & tracking, assistant head community cohesion, assistant E-learning, assistant head raising attainment , assistant head ks4, assistant head ks5, assistant head ks3.

Turnover –

Profit – Greenford does not make any profit as Greenford do not charge any fees for students if they wish to study at Greenford.

Greenford are the one and only except for the old school as they had knock it down to build a new school to have better facilities and better quality of teaching.

I think that Greenford high school are classified as a small business as they do have other schools, such as dormers high school, Villiers high school, brentside high school and these schools would be Greenford’s competition as any school would naturally want to be the best in the country.

Greenford high school is a local school this would make it easier for the students to make their way to the school and that would increase the rate of students coming into the school.

Greenford high school belongs in the public sector as it is used to teach and provide the best service.
Task 3 – Tesco

Tesco is owned by different types of people as they are located all around U.K and are a public limited company.
Tesco have about 1.1 million workers globally in these departments:

• Business Development
• Commercial - Clothing
• Commercial - Food
• Commercial - Non-food Hardlines
• Corporate Affairs
• Corporate Marketing
• Corporate Purchasing
• Finance
• Group Security & Loss Prevention
• Information Technology
• Operations Development
• Personnel
• Property
• Supply Chain / Store Ordering
• Telecoms & Tesco Mobile
• UK Support Office

Tesco’s turnover was announced in April 2009 that their weekly turnover was 1billion and they are expected to go to 3 billion.

Tesco’s profits are customers and the products they buy they can make profit by increasing the price of products if it’s a new year they can increase the price and any other occasions

I think that Tesco are classified as a large business as they have store located globally and are one of the biggest leading supermarket in the world.

Tesco are a global business that provides goods and services for the public that come and shop in the super market.
Tesco belong to the public sector as they provide service to their customers.
Task 3 – Thorpe Park

Thorpe Park is owned by Nick Leslau, leased to Merlin Entertainments and this type of business want to attract public and want more people coming and knowing about Thorpe Park and its organisation. Their aim is to make the most profit from the public.

The employees that Thorpe have depend on the time of year, any special occasions, opening hours, day of the week, part time, full time.
The rides team are about 200 people on payroll during the season and goes down to 20 in the winter, and there are only 20 people in the retail department and 100 in the winter, there are 30 engineers and 10 directors and they are there all year round. The food and beverages have 100 staff during the season. There are 200 cleaners 40 per day.
Their turnover is to evaluate the products and services of Thorpe Park, they are known to be the best in Europe but the best in England and they can make a profit turnover of nearly £500,000.

Thorpe Park can make profit by having special occasion nights at the park suck as fright night, Halloween this way they can charge more money for tickets and other products this way they can make a lot of profit.
There are 3 main branches nearest to us and they are in reading, Weybridge and Winsor and Eaton riverside.
I think Thorpe Park are classified as a medium business as they have competition from other entertainment leisure company’s such as Alton towers, chessington, heide park resort.

Thorpe Park are a regional company as they are located all around Europe, because when you go to the Thorpe park website they show you how many parks they have.

Thorpe Park belongs to the tertiary as they are providing a service for their customers.

Task 3 - UNICEF

1.       The ownership of UNICEF is that they are a non profit organisation and they are owned by trustees, they are organisation that helps children women and families if developing countries.  They are owned by the government who help strive through the success of the business.

2.       Size - UNICEF have different employees for different departments  such as:
• Adolescent Development
• Child Protection
• Communication for Development
• Communication / External Relations
• Education
• Emergency Programme
• Finance and Administration
• Gender Equality
• Health
• Human Resources
• Human Rights
• Information Communication Technology (ICT)
• Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
• Multilateral Affairs (GMA)
• Nutrition
• Planning
• Public-sector Alliances & Resource Mobilization
• Social and Economic Policy
• Supply/Logistics
• Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH

UNICEF is a non profit organisation so they will not make any profit as they only provide the money for the children and families.
They have many branches (offices) only two main offices one in New York and the other in Geneva and they supply emergency kit for any natural disasters.

UNICEF is classified as a large business as they are known all around the world and as they help developing countries around the world and helping 190 countries.
The scale of UNICEF is that they are a global business as they deliver programmes to more than 150 countries around the world and they have 88 per cent staff located in those 150 countries. I know this because I have researched this information on the UNICEF website.

UNICEF is a private sector as they are not owned by the government is a non profit organisation.